Skeleton Closet: All of the Scandals on All of the Presidential Election Candidates: Clinton, Dole, Nader, Gramm, Buchanan, Forbes, Alexander, Dornan, Keyes, Etc. Mr. Happy SkeletonMr. Happy Skeleton

Skeleton Closet

All the Dirt on All the Candidates -

Because character DOES matter

You've come to the right place for dirt, attitude and opinionated character reviews of all the Presidential Candidates. Click on the name of a party or candidate to see the following allegations:

Bill Clinton -- Bob Dole -- Harry Browne -- H. Ross Perot --Ralph Nader -- Also-Rans -- What's New -- Political Palindromes -- Real People For Real Change

Bill Clinton: Where do we begin? Adultery, admitted pot smoking, draft dodging, shady failed Whitewater development. His wife Hillary has the more significant scandals (other than Mena): the miracle $100,000 commodities profit, and the new charge of a $100,000 payment from a federally funded educational group. Bill's character: The ultimate baby boomer, just wanna go along with the crowd guy. Wilder accusations - involvement in murder of Vincent Foster, cocaine use, supporting CIA drug/money laundering operation at Mena, Arkansas?CLICK HERE for details.

Bob Dole: Money Laundering & Illegal Campaign Contributions, Campaign Sleaze: Fraudulent Attack "Polls", numerous political favors for big money campaign contributors, sweetheart deal on his exclusive luxury condo, huge payments to his wife by lobbyists ($875,000 for "speeches"), close ally of sleazemeister Senator Alfonse D'Amato. His character. Quotes.CLICK HERE for details.

Ross Perot [Reform Party]: Paranoid hypocrite, got rich off of government funding, manipulates his genuinely grass roots supporters, conspiracy theory fan, and "crazy": obsessive, delusional, and never wrong (in his own mind.)

Ralph Nader [Green Party]: Authoritarian hypocrite, secret luxury house, owned by the trial lawyers' lobby, just another politician, busted a union among his workers, abuses workers, amassing millions of dollars and playing the stock market with it, secrecy and stonewalling, vindictive toward critics, forced contributions to his college PIRG groups. Quotes. -- CLICK HERE for details.

Also-Rans and Never-Rans

Pat Buchanan -- Steve Forbes -- Richard Lugar -- Lamar Alexander -- Phil Gramm -- [Newt Gingrich] -- Robert Dornan -- Morry Taylor -- Alan Keyes -- Pete Wilson -- Arlen Specter -- Libertarians

Pat Buchanan: Washington and media insider, Watergate abuses (dirty tricks and obstruction of justice), pushed IRS audits on his enemies. Did VD keep him out of Vietnam? 6 aides with ties to racist or white supremacy groups, all talk & no action (the Republican Jesse Jackson), anti-Semitic statements, flirts with fascism, top defender of Nazis, assaulted police officers, Holocaust revisionist. CLICK HERE for details.

Bob Dornan:"B-1" Bob Dornan is not the crazy far-righter that every one says he is. Well, we can't say that. He's not JUST a crazy far-right winger; he's an Emmy award-winning, surfing spy who's flown dozens of jet fighters and bounced House bank checks for the Virgin Mary. His wife also claimed he beat her the last two times she left him.CLICK HERE for details.

Alan Keyes: Paid himself $100,000/year out of campaign funds when he ran for senate, won't take responsibility for old campaign debts, all talk and no action. Quotes.CLICK HERE for details.

Steve Forbes [withdrew]: - Rich kid with little real world experience, sleazy land deals, bad manager, draft dodger, vanity candidate, hiding his tax returns, stalking horse for supply-siders. Wilder accusations: Involved in Vincent Foster death coverup? Quotes. CLICK HERE for details.

Morry Taylor [withdrew]: Blowhard vanity candidate, left a superfund toxic waste site in his old home town, which taxpayers are cleaning up. Ridiculed a school girl for stuttering in front of a large crowd. A history of failures that he blames on others. Quotes.CLICK HERE for details.

Libertarian Also-Rans

-- Rick Tompkins -- Irwin Schiff

Richard Lugar [withdrew]: Actually, he seems to be a pretty upstanding guy: more conservative than he lets on, but open minded and not dogmatic. He actually served in the military (Navy) AND is happily married to his first wife. Some question his involvement in the consolidation of Indianapolis with the surrounding county. Quotes.CLICK HERE for details.

Lamar Alexander [withdrew]: Lamar has gotten rich of dozens of sweetheart deals with business cronies and financial supporters that make Hillary's $100,000 commodities trade look puny. In fact, he tried to hide most of them by transferring stock and other assets to his wife Honey. Lamar Alexander: Longtime Washington lawyer-lobbyist shamelessly claiming to be an outsider. He's a "weathervane" candidate who now claims to be conservative. Claims to be an "entrepreneur" based on one of his sweetheart deals, where he did no actual work.CLICK HERE for details.

Phil Gramm [withdrew]: Savings & Loan scandal payoffs, laundered illegal campaign contributions to Bob Packwood, "family values" hypocrite divorced his first wife and funded an "R" rated movie, pro-military draft dodger, helped drug dealer get out of jail, petty abuses of power (illegal hunting of baited ponds, getting a staffer out of the army) numerous political favors for his wealthy contributors. His character. Quotes. CLICK HERE for details.

Pete Wilson [withdrew]: Good riddance. Perhaps the most two-faced politician in America, and that's saying something.

Arlen Specter [withdrew]: Specter suspended his race, not so much because of his skeletons, but because there isn't room in Republican primaries for a pro-choice candidate. Ask the right wing activists who attacked Colin Powell before he withdrew.

Newt Gingrich [undeclared candidate]: Newt claims he won't run, but we aren't convinced. Anyway, check out these allegations:

Adultery and public sex, admitted pot smoker, divisive demagogue who loves to vilify his opponents, bounced 22 checks on the House bank, pro-military draft dodger, pressured his first wife to sign divorce papers while she was in hospital with cancer, under investigation for numerous ethics violations, got lucrative book contract from rich businessman Rupert Murdoch -- and another one years earlier, used taxpayer subsidies to fund his partisan campaign course, refuses to reveal who funded his GOPAC committee. His character. Quotes. CLICK HERE for details. Colin Powell [withdrew]: Involved in coverup of the My Lai Massacre. More bureaucrat than soldier. Let Saddam survive at end of Desert Storm. Rejected ordering more helicopters in Somalia, with disastrous results.

What's New

Last Updated October 27, 1996

Hot off the Platter:

October 27 -- OK, we FINALLY got the Perot page up, or most of it at least. October 25 -- Added the guilty plea by Dole's national finance vice-chairman, Simon Fireman, for laundering illegal campaign contributions through his company's employees. Added Dole's analysis of the Internet to his "quotes" section.
October 21 -- Corrected LIDDY Dole's name (which we, like many, had as "Libby"), fixed some graphic issues.
October 12 -- Cleaned up the Harry Browne page, fixing a link and deleting the "wilder charges" we couldn't corroborate.
October 8 -- Updated Clinton links, adding a couple and fixing the Feustel links which were reorganized once again.
August 30th - Bolstered the Mena, Arkansas links again, with a dozen or more links to newspaper articles on the subject dating back to 1987. Also, revised Clinton's page generally.
August 29 -- Updated the Mena, Arkansas links on Clinton's page, most notably adding the San Jose Mercury News' excellent series which proved -- for the first time in the media mainstream -- that the CIA was involved in smuggling cocaine to raise money for the contra rebels.
August 21 -- Added the all important political palindromes page, courtesy of The Palindromist Magazine, and finally separated Harry Browne from the Libertarian also-rans. We're also actively researching those rumors about Jack Kemp's sexuality, but don't have enough solid to print yet. Email us if you're dying to hear what we've found.

White House Tries to Squelch Skeleton Closet!

Hotwired's "Netizen" column revealed on April 30th that the White House successfully pressured Hotwired to drop links to President Clinton's Skeleton Closet page. Click here for details.

June 10 - We completely reorganized our home page. Since primaries are over (except for Libertarians), we now list by candidates instead of by party: Clinton, Dole, Nader, the Libs, and Also-Rans.

June 2 -- We have FINALLY got PGP up and running, thanks to the tireless help (and nagging) of the admitted Libertarian, and DNRC Minister of Encryption Advocacy, Jim Ray. To send us an encryped message, use this key:

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May 20th -- Dole�s family life, pre-Libby (his divorce, and fathering of little-known daughter Robin.) May 9th -- We're almost done with our Dole update: Another illegal donation scandal (the Watergate prosecutors investigation of Gulf Oil donations, back in 1976); a detailed look at how Dole uses several foundations to raise millions more from special interests, beyond campaign donation and spending limits; more details on Doles' luxury condo, and what Alfonse D'Amato wants for his campaign work and Whitewater muckraking.

May 4th -- The White House replied to our challenge, implicitly disavowing former webmaster David Lytel's attempts to suppress links to the Skeleton Closet.

May 3rd -- Bob Dole's sweetheart deal on an exclusive, luxury condo and (finally) Elizabeth (and Bob) Dole's Direct Cash Payoffs for "Speeches."

April 30th -- How venereal disease probably kept Pat Buchanan out of the military, plus Richard Ben Cramer's books: the exact page numbers of "What It Takes" -- his brilliant but way-too-long book -- that are about Dole, and the parts he LEFT OUT in the new paperback excerpt "Bob Dole." (Hint: they aren't very positive.) And yet another big Dole contributor who got major political favors (Rabbi Balkany).

April 29th -- Major revision of the Dole page, including sections on Dole�s 25 year history of money laundering and illegal campaign contributions, his use of subsidized corporate jet charter flights, a couple more quotes, tons of detail on the political favors he does for big campaign contributors. Plus numerous smaller changes, including additional documentation and details of the other existing sections. Another good book -- Bob Dole: American Political Phoenix -- is suggested as an overview of Bob�s history and character.

April 24th -- a minor update of the Dole, and this "What's New" section page (including a new section on "sin money" donations.

April 18 - The new Nader page, with lots of good fresh dirt on Saint Ralph, including his secret luxury house, vindictiveness, and playing the stock market with surplus organizational funds while he runs his earnest workers ragged for little or no pay. Be sure to send us your tips, suggestions and requests, too. Stay tuned -- we update frequently.

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